
Precarious Nature - Extended Network

Cause and Effect - Louise Bush Posters

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Cause and Effect - Louise Bush Posters

Louise Bush is a young photographer and artist whose work strives to bring issues to the surface of the public’s view. Her risographed series, Cause and Effect is comprised of four posters. These each consider different ways in which humans effect our environment; overconsumption of meat, overconsumption of sugar, our extreme use of pesticides and fungicides, and the way in which all these things effect our water.

Louise is a strong believer that there is more we can do and that if we do not change now then it could soon be too late. She says:

"I’m not asking the world to become vegetarians or to stop eating sugar; we are not designed to eat only vegetables, and sugar is an important part of our diet. This work is more about making us more considerate about our effect (however involuntary) we are having on the world around us. Recycling is not enough anymore. Yes, it is beneficial, but we need to do so much more because we are still fuelling the beast that is global warming.

I’m 21 and yes I’ve been left this huge problem by the ones who came before me, but it is not something that only my generation needs to fix. The older generations need to take responsibility for their action and what they have forced upon their children and be a part of the solution.

We cannot change if only some of us are invested in it."
