Opening. Ways of Knowing Celebration

'Kenwood in the Car' (working title) 550x360mm, oil on cradled board, Work in progress by Sam Walker

'Kenwood in the Car' (working title) 550x360mm, oil on cradled board, Work in progress by Sam Walker

Part I: Painting show
Opening on Friday 31 May, 5.30pm
Exhibition dates: 1 June to 16 June

Part II: Object show
Opening on Thursday 20 June, 5.30pm
Exhibition dates: 21 June to 5 July

CoCA is excited to announce two new exhibitions opening late May and mid-June, outcomes of our newly established Emerging Curators Programme designed to support early-career curators to develop group exhibitions.

Emerging curators, Meg Doughty and Monica Wang have developed two group exhibitions on behalf of CoCA. The pair invited artists from the pool of extremely high-quality proposals received during CoCA's first Open Call for Proposals (2023) to exhibit in this group show. Keep an eye on our social media channels for an exciting public programme throughout both exhibitions.