Opening. WestFarbe (cancelled)

Image: Installation detail of Judy Durragh, SWARM (2009) for WestFarbe.
Due to the current health recommendations in response to COVID-19 there will not be a public opening for this exhibition.
Join us as we celebrate the opening of WestFarbe across our Mair and North Galleries.
WestFarbe, curated by Christoph Dahlhausen, draws together artists from five nations including Australia, Germany, UK, USA and New Zealand in an exploration of paint and colour. Where the German language engages the term ‘Farbe’ for both the phenomena of colour and for the material of paint, in contrast, the English language differentiates between colour and paint. In turn, this exhibition explores artistic investigations which bring together approaches where the material and process-oriented aspects of working are emphasised and with others where the tonality and the appearance of painting are foregrounded.
Friday 20 March, 5:30-7:30pm (now cancelled)
Mair and North Galleries
All welcome!
Our cordial thanks go to the lenders, who contributed art work for the exhibitions in New Zealand, namely: The Art Lover Collection, Christchurch; Christchurch Art Gallery; Two Rooms Gallery, Auckland; Quita & Graeme McNally, Christchurch; Jonathan Smart Gallery, Christchurch and Fox Jensen McCrory Gallery, Auckland. We are likewise grateful for the support from our exhibition sponsors: Signtech, Three Boys Brewery, Hyde Park Hire and Metro Glass.