
CoCA is proud to present the first group exhibition by its Associates Programme, Associated.

Associated presents a challenge to its participants: respond to an artwork with little context, in a short timeframe.

Associated, the first group show from CoCA's Associates Programme, takes the form of a long art game of telephone: one artist anonymously presents a work, the next creates a work in response, and so on and so forth. This created a challenge: the disparate practices within the Programme meant many of the artists were responding to concepts, materials, mediums, and practices they were not used to.

As a result of this challenge, many of the artists involved took large strides in (or away from) their own standard practice - one contributing a large, text-based resin work, and another utilising a model for the first time.

This kind of development is precisely what the Associates Programme is about - the members supporting one another and critically discussing each others' work in order to encourage growth.

Audrey Baldwin
Mark Catley
Karen Greenslade
Lee Harper
Sarah Harper
Viv Kepes
Gaby Montejo
Gaby Reade
Mark Soltero
Nicki Thorne
Susanne van Tuinen