The Killing: Cirque du Killing - Feast
A buffet of dynamic works that digest the Visual & Social Frameworks of what we collectively understand to be a Circus.
Employed as a means to examine and ask ourselves questions such as: Where does my body belong within a Spectacle? Within a Circus? Within a Gallery? Who Am I when I am the subject? The viewer? Am I the feast or the consumer?
The artists partake in concepts of family, the everyday, consumer/capital-ism, and self determination — uncovered through a personal and shared lens of the Circus. Through languages of Mark-Making, Image, Sculpture & Painting, a synergy is found between saturated textures, colours and symbols.
The Killing is a body of artists currently based in Tamaki Makaurau, Aotearoa. They are a collective that values self determination & self liberation through collective effort. Founded through the friendships formed during their undergraduate years at the Elam School of Fine Arts (2018-2021), The Killing is based in friendship, family and love as they strive towards undoing white wall traditions and platforming newfound collectivism.
The Killing often investigates the intersections of their various and varied lived experiences - through Child-Honouring, Playfully Naive, Queer, Anti-Colonial, Capitalist, Critical & humourous lenses and modes of operation.
We are Venus Blacklaws, Tristan Bloemstein, Daniella Bay, Minsoh Choi, p.A.