Numangatini Mackenzie
Aré Vaka Falé Va'a Wharé Waka Halé Va'a, 2017

Numangatini Mackenzie
Aré Vaka Falé Va'a Wharé Waka Halé Va'a, 2017
This represents the first safe space for us. When the Vaka is pulled to land it is turned over to create shelter. A safe space for protection from outside forces. A place to deliberate/talanoa/hui. A space to rest/entertain or work. Like the vaka it is lashed together for strength and security representing the bounds that reach back generations through shared knowledge from one island to another.
(pvc pipe, ribbon)

Artists during the fono/noho/gathering before MAKING SPACE opened, dancing through the fale.
Numangatini Mackenzie, Aré Vaka Falé Va'a Wharé Waka Halé Va'a, 2017. Photo: Janneth Gil
Aré Vaka Falé Va'a Wharé Waka Halé Va'a, 2017, Numangatini Mackenzie


Numangatini Mackenzie
Aré Vaka Falé Va'a Wharé Waka Halé Va'a, 2017

Numangatini Mackenzie
The many faces of us/you? 2017

Jaimie Waititi
Facepaint, 2017

jess holly bates
tote and pepeha, 2017

Siliga David Setoga
Fa'amalu: to shade, to protect, 2017

Reina Sutton
Five drawings, 2013-17