Emma Fitts
Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015

Emma Fitts
Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015
An assortment of garment patterns, building plans, conversations and the lifestyles of art heroines provide templates for Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, an installation originally shown in 2015 at the Ilam School of Fine Arts gallery.
Using texture as its main research methodology the fabric hangings, clothing cutouts, grass mats, plants, objects and text is added to, edited and rearranged to form a textile architecture that acutely relates to our situated knowledge, the proportions of the body and our experience of space, while also implying far less measurable qualities of a social history.
Emma Fitts was the recipient of the Oliver Spencer Bower Award in 2014.
Installed at CoCA: Emma Fitts, Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015
Photo: Daniela Aebli
Floor Plan: Emma Fitts, Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015
Photo: Tessa Peach
Garden Image:
Emma Fitts, A Painter's Garden, 2015
Photo: Daegan Wells

Emma Fitts, Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015
Photo: Tessa Peach
Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015, Emma Fitts

Emma Fitts, A Painter's Garden, 2015
Photo: Daegan Wells
Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015, Emma Fitts

Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015, Emma Fitts

Emma Fitts

Tim J. Veling
D,P,O., 2014

Pauline Rhodes
Towards the Light, 2016

Louise Palmer
90 Canon (a series of empty rooms), 2016

Emma Fitts
Fit-out for Olivia Spencer Bower, 2015

Ana Iti
First, they chose a name, 2016

Daegan Wells
Sutton's Garden, 2016

Jacquelyn Greenbank
Squatch, 2015

James Oram
Furrows, 2016

Nina Oberg Humphries
Lilia, 2015

Steve Carr
Watermelon, 2015

Tjalling de Vries
Copy Card

Rob Hood
Coupland’s Waterfall, 2016

Scott Flanagan
Wild South—Young Mountains, 2016