Precarious Nature - Extended Network
350 Christchurch

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
350 Christchurch
350 Christchurch is part of a worldwide grassroots movement of ordinary people wanting real, urgent action to tackle climate disruption.
Personal lifestyle changes are useful – but no longer enough. focuses on the wider social and economic changes we now urgently need to tackle climate disruption.
We invite people to change not just their light bulbs but their banks, if those banks won’t stop funding coal and oil operations. We work with students, staff and alumni to shift a university’s investments out of fossil fuels and into renewable energy. We lobby politicians for an effective carbon tax and a realistic climate plan for NZ. We ask Fonterra and Canterbury DHB to use wood waste, not coal, for their heating needs. We alert the public to the risk of deep sea oil drilling off Canterbury’s coastline and support our council to oppose it. We explore the links between climate disruption, deforestation, intensive animal farming and a hyper-consumerist lifestyle.
We work closely with like-minded organisations like Oil Free Otautahi, Greenpeace, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, Gen Zero and Forest and Bird. We support the anti-TPPA campaign - if this ‘trade’ deal is passed, all our other campaigns will be far more difficult to win.
We aim to work with as many groups in the community as possible – churches, unions, grandparents, young people, creatives, business leaders, politicians..... The climate crisis will only be solved if EVERY citizen, every one of us, stands up to make change in our own part of the community.


Taloi Havini and Stuart Miller
Blood Generation: Sami and the Panguna Mine, 2009

Gaby Montejo
Honeymoon Latte, 2016

Dryden Goodwin
Breathe, 2012

Natalie Robertson
Rangitukia Hikoi 0-14, 2016

Alex Monteith
Rena Shipping Container Disaster, 2011 (ongoing)

Hayden Fowler
New World Order, 2013

Anne Noble
Bruissement, 2015; No Vertical Song, 2015

Melissa Macleod
Drill (performance) 2016; Weight (installation) 2016

Tyne Gordon
Pooling, 2016

Zina Swanson
Plants from the sale table, 2016

Liv Worsnop
Practicool Planet; Dust Gatherings: Potential and Poison; Gang Patches; Lux & Plant Gang Chats, 2016

Tim Knowles
Glacial Creep - Haupapa Tasman Glacier

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Mike Joy

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Habitat for Humanity

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Trees for Canterbury

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Generation Zero

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
350 Christchurch