Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust
Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust (TKoT) is a registered charity. It was established in 1998, and is the outcome of a Waitangi Tribunal settlement between The Crown and Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu. TKoT is administered by six trustees, and employs one fulltime General Manager. It is responsible for the restoration and ongoing management of approximately seven hundred hectares of native coastal wetland (including ten and a half kilometres of coastline). This land, otherwise known as Tūhaitara Coastal Park, runs from the mouth of the Waimakariri River to the settlement of Waikuku Beach, and includes the culturally significant Tūtaepatu Lagoon. Residents of the Kaiapoi Pā and, more recently, members of the Ngāi Tūahuriri Runanga have been closely connected to Tūtaepatu Lagoon and the land that surrounds it. Historically, the lagoon has been an important source of mahinga kai, and it contains a number of urupā. Tu Rakautahi, the founder of Kaiapoi Pā, is buried near Tūtaepatu Lagoon. The name Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara (the nest of Tūhaitara, a Ngāi Tūahuriri ancestress) acknowledges whakapapa or genealogical ties to the land. TKoT aims to retain and enhance indigenous biodiversity, and to preserve the values of Ngāi Tahu. TKoT provides a range of opportunities for recreation and environmental education for all people, and has a two hundred year vision for the future.


Taloi Havini and Stuart Miller
Blood Generation: Sami and the Panguna Mine, 2009

Gaby Montejo
Honeymoon Latte, 2016

Dryden Goodwin
Breathe, 2012

Natalie Robertson
Rangitukia Hikoi 0-14, 2016

Alex Monteith
Rena Shipping Container Disaster, 2011 (ongoing)

Hayden Fowler
New World Order, 2013

Anne Noble
Bruissement, 2015; No Vertical Song, 2015

Melissa Macleod
Drill (performance) 2016; Weight (installation) 2016

Tyne Gordon
Pooling, 2016

Zina Swanson
Plants from the sale table, 2016

Liv Worsnop
Practicool Planet; Dust Gatherings: Potential and Poison; Gang Patches; Lux & Plant Gang Chats, 2016

Tim Knowles
Glacial Creep - Haupapa Tasman Glacier

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Mike Joy

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Habitat for Humanity

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Trees for Canterbury

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
Generation Zero

Precarious Nature - Extended Network
350 Christchurch